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Ali reaches up as she climbs on the climbing wall

9. 4 ideas for making your curriculums more effective for all students

July 26, 20241 min read

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This week's post is brought to you by the letter H in our T.E.A.C.H. Framework! Learn more about the Framework here.

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Post/Episode Summary:

Here is Part 2 of our actionable ideas on how to create the conditions that bring out the best in your students!



Time for Action

Request the ebook for this series!


Request the audio guide on self-directed centers (we call Mastery-Based Choice)


Also…If you want to join a community further diving into these topics and others of our TEACH Framework, don’t forget to sign up to be notified when our TEACH Different Collective opens later this year! To read about our initial vision, give your input and/or join the list to get notified when this community opens, go to You can also add your name to the notification list using the form below!


All links from this post/episode

classroom environmentself-determination theory
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Ali Dabney

Ali Dabney is one of the co-founders of EDVOLUTIONARY. She has over a decade of teaching experience and focuses on helping K-2 teachers create the conditions that unlock student engagement, achievement and wellbeing.

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