Two elementary teachers break down science and theory from education practitioners, researchers and thought leaders and translate it into classroom practices that evolve the learning environment for the 21st century.

We're currently on hiatus-- the perfect time to catch up on Season 4!

*we recommend starting with Episode 1 or 2!

Season 4: The Roadmap

A teacher observes while two students play a math game they have chosen.

S4.E11: Our roadmap for engaging and empowering learning 

August 06, 20232 min read


In Season 4, Episode 11 of That's SO EDVOLUTIONARY, we're shifting gears!

We've been talking about making a dang roadmap since we got started back in 2021. A roadmap that would take research from the last 30-40 years on how students learn and develop and make it actionable for teachers in the classroom. Tools and strategies to teach based on how humans evolved to learn so that we all don't have to feel like we're pushing a boulder up hill both ways in the snow each day.

This roadmap came out of our own frustrations that educational pedagogy and practice hadn't caught up with the research. We've distilled this roadmap into 5 pillars we call The T.E.A.C.H. Framework.

You can listen to our full conversation about this in episode 11 of our podcast or just read more below! After this episode all other episodes will be small actionable bites of the T.E.A.C.H. Framework.



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READ: The T.E.A.C.H. Framework

Prefer reading over listening? No problem. You can learn all about the TEACH Framework by reading below.

T- Teacher toolbox and community of support

Teachers need easy, efficient access to a new set of tools and to have support as they transform their practice. We're often siloed in our own classrooms, facing all the challenges of post-pandemic education fairly alone. We need to change that so we have the psychological safety to take risks and evolve to meet the challenges of the moment.

E- Engaging and empowering classroom management

We need to move from reactive, controlling classroom management strategies like points, tickets, tokens, etc to management strategies that teach students what is expected, empower them to take ownership in running the classroom, and have more positive ways to react to challenges when they arise.

A- Active Learning Structures

Students spend a lot of the day listening and waiting. But we know the most effective learning is active. This sounds like something that is going to take a lot more teacher energy, but actually when we put more of the action on students, the role of the teacher become MORE sustainable.

C- Cohesive Classroom Community

There has been a lot of positive forward movement toward creating inclusive learning environments where everyone is represented. But a fundamental need of humans is not just a sense of belonging, but also of significance-- not only "I belong" but "I am an important contributing member of this community." This means that leadership is spread beyond the teacher and the results for both teachers and students are incredible.

H- Human-Centered Environmental Design

Thinking we can just add nice things to the way things are will continue to get us what we've already gotten. We need to fundamentally change aspects of our environment to accommodate more time for real relationship building and opportunities for student autonomy. It is possible and an easier shift than you think if you have the courage to take the first step.

Sign up for your own shiny, new T.E.A.C.H. Hub here!

education podcastteacher podcastkindergarten play-based learningplay-based learning public schoolplay-based learninghands-on learningeducation innovation
Ali Dabney is one of the co-founders of EDVOLUTIONARY.  She has over a decade of teaching experience and focuses on helping K-2 teachers create the conditions that unlock student engagement, achievement and wellbeing.

Ali Dabney

Ali Dabney is one of the co-founders of EDVOLUTIONARY. She has over a decade of teaching experience and focuses on helping K-2 teachers create the conditions that unlock student engagement, achievement and wellbeing.

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Hi! We're Annie & Ali

We are two primary (K/1) educators building a roadmap to teaching that ensures children reach mastery of all required K-2 standards in an environment that also respects their developmental needs and leads them to become self-directed learners. We founded EDVOLUTIONARY to help amplify the conversation about how to evolve our education system and to share our toolbox of teacher-tested resources and strategies that empower learners and make teaching more effective, fun, and sustainable.

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